here's what you need to know

Meet the Applicator Extra

How does it work

The science behind the Applicator Extra

How does it work

The science behind the Applicator Extra

They almost gave up, until they found twoplus. Hear their stories.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 177 reviews
Best used with Clearblue ovulation kit!

I am thrilled to share my experience with the insemination kit! After trying to conceive for a while, my husband and I decided to give this kit a try, and it truly worked wonders for us. On our second attempt, I got pregnant!

This kit has been a game-changer for us, especially considering our demanding jobs. It saved us a lot of energy and time during TTC, which we greatly appreciated. Given my age, we were eager to get pregnant as soon as possible with minimal effort, and this product delivered exactly what we needed.

We used this kit in conjunction with the Clearblue ovulation kit to maximize our chances. We inseminated every other day during the fertile period and made sure to do so again on the day we got a smiley face on the ovulation kit. This approach helped us ensure the best chances for the sperm and egg to meet.

Overall, I highly recommend this sperm insemination kit to anyone looking to conceive. It was easy to use, effective, and made the whole process much more manageable for us.

Premiladevi Dayalan

Applicator Extra

(Telesales) Allan Goh
Successfully pregnant.

Managed to pregnant after used 2 applicator.

It worked! :)

We knew we would have to rely on some help to fall pregnant due to a medical condition on my husband's side so while we were on the waiting list for the fertility clinic we decided to give these a go. We used the applicators (while tracking my ovulation by using the sticks and monitoring my BBT) and we're delighted that we managed to fall pregnant on the 4th cycle, I'm currently 26 weeks pregnant with a wee boy. They weren't painful to use at all. Can highly recommend! We're so grateful for this kit! :)

V and C
Got pregnant first time

We used twoplus applicator for one cycle and got pregnant - amazing! We are 4 weeks pregnant and over the moon!